There are 24 hours in a day.
7 days a week.
52 weekends a year....
Your horse, #equineathlete needs rest days to gain fitness, and learn skills.
YOU need restful sleep to be a good rider, a trainer, and provide the welfare your horse needs (Restful sleep does not come from a place of exhaustion).
You can be anything you want, but you can't DO everything to get there, and you can't be everything.
We live in an incredibly fortunate country/state/culture of opportunity, and more so if you are an equestrian competing -this is undeniably a position of affluence (yes, even if you work your gluteals off making if happen!)
There will always be more potential and choice offered to you than is physically possible to take up, without the cost of relative and real consequence.
You are not a failure for saying 'No'. This is not a failure. You don't have 'less of what it takes. But you do some of what it is made from... 💪🏼
You are not a failure for saying ‘Yes’ either, but you may find it harder for you & your horse, a greater risk for you & your horse, and far more challenging than fair, for you & your horse - to achieve what you are aiming for, or even complete the necessary steps along the way.
So, slow it all down until you remember that you are supposed to be feeling at a minimum satisfaction most of the time throughout the journey (this is vital for the learning, recovery process), and the head space to recognise that you have to primarily provide what your equine athlete needs first, to get to this point, sustainably.
The most important bit of being an equestrian is learning to release the pressure at the right time, and say “enough, for now.”
I explant more on this in this video blog x