I’m not so into end of year wrap ups. For me, it feels like closure - and closure of experience isn’t something that sits well with me. One of the things with life, is that it is always moving, changing and evolving. This happens whether you like it or not.
One of the ways to survive & thrive in this reality is by being flexible with your journey through it, understanding that ‘being a journey’ is exactly what it is…. And that in being so - it is movement. Your life journey through life is moving thing. I’ve made a lot of moves in my life…. planned, not planned, reactionary & learning, right, wrong. I'm proudly still on my feet. I learn every step of the way.
I have learnt both through want or necessity in abundance, and the gratitude for this has unfailingly brought me joy + hope at every progression forward.
You reach a point, when you want to share. Some want to talk, some want to share to close family, some want to share to the family they are creating. For me, that sharing to others - began when I was a young girl, and so I did. I shared the fascination, the joy, the potential and opportunity that all of my living, learning, experiencing and flowing movement of life experience offered me. I wanted to share that experience, and those discoveries.
I see myself as a teacher - and that I have done solely for many years in the equine industry, and secondarily with my clients in my current equine industry role (of 15 years) but, more and mostly I see myself as a sharer.
I don’t just have what I have experienced, but I feel I am overflowing with it - knowledge, insights…and have been for a while and want to share it. It doesn’t mean I’m self promoting here, big noting myself, I just feel like I have a full vessel and it’s time to pay it forwards. I still have a compulsion to share the joy of experience.
I believe in idealistic altruism this way. I believe knowledge is ours, but not ours to keep. Obviously I like to see myself as not only a sharer, and a teacher - but also a catalyst for the change I believe in with the knowledge and information I have.
2020 is unwritten, but… it also looks the same as all the others in essence. Its likely a year of beautiful change, hard earned choices, and peaceful painful growth. The difference is for me this year, is my focus and the actionable steps I will take along what I want to not just achieve, but begin. The 'why' behind the journey, and the actions I’ll take along it.
So - 2022, begins the year of more sharing. I’m starting my future, and committing to sharing the knowledge I have, not just to one - or individuals but to any that are open and keen to indulge me in hearing the insights I have gained, empowering information I have and the processes that can & will likely help you along the journeys you take with your horses. These are the same journeys that diverge at times, running parallel along my journey, and my aspirations for what we choose to influence with the horses we work with.
Like I said before, I see myself as a catalyst, and a teacher - but I want things. I want changes. I want mutualistic benefits for both domestic horses, and their humans. I also believe it can successful, and sustainable - I truly believe it will happen through insight. I will stand beside this belief in the knowledge I have, and honor it.
I very much look forward to sharing with you, and having the opportunity to be a part of your insights, the knowledge I have and want to give that might help you gain empowerment on your, and your horse’s journeys.
Bring on 2022, the first of the rest, and I’m so excited to have you along for the ride
‘To learn, is to empower your own direction of change.’
grow well, Nancy x
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