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Booking Policy (Cancellations & Reshedules)
When or before you make a booking - please organise yourself & your other commitments ahead of time to make sure you can meet the commitment you made with me.
The Full Story

Bookings cannot be rescheduled/cancelled within 48 hours of the start time of your appointment unless you contact Nancy - 0437 017 672.

Bookings rescheduled/cancelled on the day will have 100% of the booking fee withheld/charged to cover the lost income generating time - regardless of the reason.
Bookings rescheduled within 24 hours will have 100% of the booking fee withheld to cover the lost income generating time.
Bookings cancelled or rescheduled within 48 hours, but prior to 24 hours will have 50% of the booking fee withheld to cover the lost income generating time.

Bookings cannot be rescheduled more than 1 x without a fee being charged (25% of the booking) - repetitive reschedules unfortunately also limit the times available for other clients to book into and make it very difficult to provide a service to client areas.
Please consider this carefully when choosing a new time, credits are available on contacting Nancy to use when you are confident of your availability.

Link to Manual Therapeutics Booking Policy - weather & Safety:
Link to Coaching Booking Policy - weather & Safety:
I thankyou for respecting me, my time, and my professional service by understanding this.